We have four weeks until the 2020 Presidential Election. I strongly encourage everyone to get out and vote. Voting is our right and it is extremely important to the future of our country! If you are unsure whether you are registered to vote, check here: https://www.vote.org/am-i-registered-to-vote/
I don't know about you but (drum roll please) I finally received my absentee ballot in the mail last week! I hope that all of you have requested yours and if not, please check your state's rules at https://www.vote.org/absentee-ballot-deadlines/ and then request your mail in ballot by visiting https://www.vote.org/absentee-ballot/. DO NOT WAIT! ONCE YOU RECEIVE YOUR BALLOT, FILL IT OUT AND RETURN IT!
Because I don't want to run the risk of it getting lost in the mail and because it is allowed in the state of North Carolina, I am choosing to personally deliver mine to the Buncombe County Voting Headquarters, which is located at 77 McDowell Street Asheville, NC 28801. Vote like your life depends on it!